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  • Registration
    The Registration Form and Release Forms must be received by the Fulton Soil and Water Office by March 26, 2025. The Registration Form must include all team members along with alternates. It is important to include alternates incase one of the original team members are unable to attend the State competition if their team advances from the Area 1 Envirothon. A signed Release Form must be completed for all individuals, including advisors, who will be on the site for the event.
  • Cost
    The registration fee for 2025 is $50 per team. This fee should be submitted by March 26, 2025 along with your registration and release forms. Many Soil and Water Offices will reimburse this fee if your team attends the Envirothon Competition. Contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District to find out more.
  • Note for Advisors
    There are great resources available at the National Envirothon Site.
  • Hazardous Weather Plan
    In the Event of Rain: If rain occurs, without lightning, the contest will continue until the closing announcements. In the Event of Lightning: At the first sign of lightning, all exams are collected and students will be dismissed to their buses for shelter. Teams may keep their scoring sheets. Envirothon volunteers are asked to go to a bus as a means of shelter and to monitor the teams. While on the bus, there is the temptation to review study materials; however, the volunteer should keep this from occurring. If the lightning subsides quickly (within 30 minutes); the test session that is interrupted will not be counted. Teams will move on to their next session where time will be reset to allow them the full 25 minutes. If the lightning continues, keeping teams from an additional two exams, the event is cancelled. In the Event of a Tornado: Local sirens or other warning devices will be triggered. Students will be immediately dismissed to the nearest shelter. All volunteers, event coordinators and visitors will be directed to follow the students to safety. Due to the shock of this experience and condition of the testing areas, the event will be cancelled and teams are excused after the all-clear has been given. If the event is cancelled, a phone tree beginning with the Envirothon committee will begin no later than 7:30 a.m. on the day of the event. If the event cannot continue for whatever reason, a make-up test will be given. The make-up test should be compiled before the event. The make-up test should consist of 60 non site-specific questions. The soil survey still may be used to answer questions. The make-up test should be administered by a soil and water district employee and must be completed in 60 minutes.

Area 1 Includes:

Allen, Auglaize, Crawford, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Lucas, Marion, Morrow, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert, Williams, Wood and Wyandot Counties

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